Honor has officially shared the launch date of the upcoming Watch GS Pro. This watch is set released at the IFA 2020 trade show on September 4. The smartwatch is likely to be released in the Chinese market and the global availability may be confirmed soon.
On the same day, the global variants of its Honor Pad 6 and Honor Pad X6 tablets – expected to be called ViewPad 6 and ViewPad X6. Honor Pad 6 and Honor Pad X6 are already available for purchase in China.
The 9.6-inch screen Honor Pad X6, also called ViewPad X6, begins at CNY 1,099. The Honor Pad 6 (or ViewPad 6) has almost the same specifications as the Pad X6, but a bigger 10.1-inch panel, and is sold at CNY 1,299. The tablets are expected to be priced slightly higher for other markets.
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Huawei officially announced the new FreeBuds Pro 4 headphones. This is the first TWS headset…
Huawei's Mate 70 series of mobile phones was officially unveiled today. The new series of…
According to the latest information, the Chinese tech giant Huawei is said to launch the…