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Huawei HarmonyOS NEXT system intent framework announced

Huawei HarmonyOS NEXT system intent framework announced (1)

Huawei HarmonyOS NEXT system intent framework announced (1)

Huawei’s HarmonyOS NEXT system brings an intent framework that can actively perceive user operation intentions, and the system entrance provides services to intelligently recommend card services required by users.

The main application scenarios of this function are Xiaoyi Smart Assistant and Xiaoyi desktop service cards, which support users to actively search and call and provide active recommendations.

Scenario-based recommendations

Active use by users

Xiaoyi Assistant

It is reported that Xiaoyi Assistant will provide multi-modal semantic interaction and automatic orchestration execution functions . Users can actively search for the required services through Xiaoyi Intelligent Assistant, click to use, or send operation instructions by voice.

Xiaoyi Suggest also supports learning based on time patterns, location characteristics, device status, and event information, and recommends related services.

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