Huawei Mate 70 Pro phone screen leaked

According to the latest information, the Huawei Mate 70 series will be launched in the second half of this year. As per the Weibo tipster, Mate 70 Pro has the same three-hole design as Mate 60 Pro, and the hole position and hole diameter are also the same as the previous generation.

At present, the three-hole design adopted by Huawei Mate 60 Pro series is still the only mobile phone that adopts this solution. The Huawei Mate 70 series will use the 1/1.3 super-large bottom main camera OV50K, and the Pura 80 series will use OV50X. The size of the latter remains to be verified. It is currently said to be a super-large bottom LOFIC main camera.

In addition, leaks show that the Huawei Mate 70 series continues to use the circular lens module in its design, but incorporates new design elements, making the appearance more recognizable and business-like.

Huawei Mate 70 Pro phone screen exposed

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