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Huawei next-generation DevEco Studio IDE is now available for preview

DevEco Studio IDE

DevEco Studio IDE

At the HDC 2024 Huawei Developer Conference, Huawei officially announced that the next-generation IDE with integrated AI-assisted programming has officially started preview.

Huawei’s official website shows that HUAWEI DevEco Studio is an integrated development environment (IDE) for HarmonyOS application and meta-service developers.

DevEco Studio Next Developer Beta1 supports the development of applications and services for HarmonyOS Next Developer Beta1, and provides new features such as code refactoring, visual analysis of the build process, custom build process, TSan/ASan/multi-threaded detection, component time analysis, and local simulators for multiple devices on macOS/Windows.

The developer preview Beta of the AI-assisted programming tool DevEco CodeGenie has started recruiting. The DevEco CodeGenie trial version supports intelligent knowledge Q&A, ArkTS code completion & generation, and universal card generation in the field of HarmonyOS application development.

Supports code highlighting, intelligent code completion, code error checking, automatic code jump, code formatting, code search, code refactoring, and improves code writing efficiency.

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