Huawei P40 Series launched on March 26. The company has brought the best 5G smartphones powered by Kirin 990 5G chipset. The Huawei P40 Series uses the World’s first full pixel Octa PD Autofocus, 8 Colour channels, Wi-Fi 6 Plus with a speed of 2400Mbps, 160MHz. The device has a Quad-Curve Overflow Display. Other countries have already started pre-order let’s check the Huawei P40 series UAE Pre-Order details.
Huawei P40 Pro Purchase Link:
Note: Huawei P40 Pro is only available for pre-order now.
Pre-Order starts on 2nd April 2020. Place the order and get free gifts worth AED 2099. (Sale – April 9, 2020)
Huawei P40 Pro Specifications:
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