Huawei has launched its smartwatch Watch GT 2 Pro in September last year. The smartwatch comes with a rugged design and offers 100+ workout modes out of which 17 are professional modes and 85 are custom modes like skiing, Cross Country Skiing, Snowboarding and Golf Driving Range and others.
The Huawei Watch GT 2 Pro comes with a 1.39-inch AMOLED display touch display with 454×454 pixel resolution and it powered by the company’s own Kirin A1 chipset and it packs 4GB RAM which can store 500 songs.
The device also comes with heart rate tracking with TruSeen 4.0+ support. The TruSeen 4.0+ technology from Huawei comes with accurate heart rate readings with updated LEDs and an intelligent AI algorithm. The technology accurately measures the SpO2 and heart rate also keeps the power consumption low. The smartwatch is also capable of sleep monitoring and it also tracks the day-to-day activities of the users. If you are wondering how to change the Watch GT 2 Pro-face then you came to the right place. Below you will get the complete guidelines lets explore.
As well as telling the time and assisting you in your workouts, your new WATCH GT 2 Pro can also be used as a remote control.
Remote camera control
To take a picture, open the Camera on your phone and your GT 2 Pro will display a photo-shooting screen. You can then set a timer. When you’re ready, just touch the shutter icon on your watch!
*This feature only works with Huawei/Honor phones that are running EMUI 8.1 or a later version.
Remote music control
You can even store music on your GT 2 Pro, so you don’t need your phone when you want to listen to music. You can pause and resume music from your wrist, and adjust the volume. To do this, open the Huawei Health app, go to the Devices tab, and follow the steps shown in the images below.
*You can check your watch’s remaining memory in the Health app.
**This feature only works with phones that are running Android 4.4 or a later OS version.
***You can also control music on third-party audio apps, without having to add songs to your watch, by going to
Devices > HUAWEI WATCH GT 2 Pro > Music > Manage music, and enabling on-wrist control.
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